9 may 2012

De dulce y agraz.... Bittersweet

Esta ilustración tiene de dulce y agraz porque la verdad es que me gusta mucho como quedó, aprendí harto haciéndola, los personajes fueron un encanto y trabajamos juntos un montón de rato....
Lo triste es que no fue seleccionada... Y la verdad sea dicha, ni siquiera sabía que estaba compitiendo... Bueno, eso me pasa porque no pregunté las reglas del juego antes de ponerme a trabajar... En fin... con con un nudo en el estómago les dejo esta ilustración que al menos a mi, me ha dejado bastante agradada...

Mixed feelings and a bittersweet flavor. I very much like the way this illustration turned out, I learned new things doing it and I think the characters are so lovely that we had fun "working" together. The sad part is that it was not selected for printing... And truth being told, I didn't even knew that there was going to be another choice to begin with. Well, that's what happens when you don't ask the rules of the game before playing... Anyway... almost sure that this drawing will never see the light of ink and paper, and with a gutty feeling I leave this here before you, hoping it pleases you as much as it pleased me....

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